How to Investigate Truth for Yourself

Think for yourself

Be who you are.

Tall orders need cranes to reach them.

He who experiences the unity of life sees his own Self in all beings, and all beings in his own Self, and looks on everything with an impartial eye.  Buddha

He who experiences the unity of life sees his own Self in all beings, and all beings in his own Self, and looks on everything with an impartial eye.

– Buddha

8 comments on “How to Investigate Truth for Yourself

  1. sufilight says:

    I like this Buddihism lesson, it is so well presented, makes the lesson clear. The message to be ourselves and to see the unity in all of us resonated with me as this is a focus in my life. I need these reminders though. 😉

    I have shared in Facebook and Twitter. 🙂

  2. george-b says:

    Well said, perfect analogy. Only when one reveres all, can one be oneself.

  3. granbee says:

    An impartial eye perched high up on that crane: what a vantage point. If we allow our souls to sort of “fuse” with the soul of our Creator, we, too, can have the advantage of that vantage point!

  4. eof737 says:

    We must think for ourselves and that is why I’m not much of a joiner… I have to make my own decisions … 🙂

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